Anyway, I made a little fairy that resembles my niece for Xmas/Birthday/Your-Aunt-Fails-at-Time-Management Day. Ahem. We gave her a book as well. I made an attempt at jewelry but need to figure out how to work with tiny little bits of wire when I have arthritis in my hands. Heh.
I finally finished her while we were down visiting - her constituent parts had been made, but she needed putting together. She's from the pattern/recipe by NeedleNoodles, who is also the author of the very awesome Creepy Cute Crochet
Tom was kind enough to take some photos:
Those of you who are squeamish should avert your eyes for the next one, which made me do a spit-take:
I made a little scrubby bath toy to go with a bath book for our baby nephew.
And before we left I frantically raced to finish my crocheted tote bag and sew a lining into it. It didn't turn out quite how I'd hoped, but it's somewhat functional. No photo of it.
I cast on, frogged, and cast on again a beginner pattern for a lace washcloth about 10 times during the trip. It think it's finally going well.
And I've cast on, frogged, and cast on again for a gift due soon-like that is making me ever so slightly grumpy and forcing me to admit that I should probably review a video of knitting in the round with circular needles because I'm clearly screwing up somewhere.
Adorable! If she doesn't like 'em, I'd be happy to offer a loving home.
Our niece *loved* the fairy - her eyes got really big and I got a hushed "oh, wow!"
I love those reactions. She wants to try putting it in her "fairy tree" to see if it will attract more.
Our nephew is still a little too young to notice much, but I think he'll like the foamie and our niece was eyeing it too, so I suspect it will be loved regardless.
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