See, I spent hours looking at patterns on Ravelry trying to find one that was just right - not too hard, not too easy, not too ugly, etc., etc.
This one turned out being just right. And yes, it took me two weeks, but we were moving and I was picking up and knitting maybe two or three rows at a time and then having to do other things.
Anyway, here it is:

I would like to point out here, as I do in the notes on the Flickr photo, that I hate that towel. Really. However it's a perfectly serviceable towel and the cherub things get rubbed on my butt, so I guess that makes it okay. If you hadn't already guessed, cherubs are really not my thing. Little devils, on the other hand, I'd be totally down with.

The washcloth is made in Lily Sugar n'Cream (I do not understand this name at all and find it deeply annoying) that I scored when Michael's was having a big sale a while back. The pattern took up about half the skein (and the ombre skeins are smaller than the solid color skeins) and that was with me knitting fairly loosely on size 8s and having lots of inches of tail for cast-on and after cast-off.
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