
First Dye Results

I pulled the fiber out of it's plastic wrap first thing after I got up today and gave it a good rinse in luke-warm water until the water ran clear.

Then I laid it out on a towel, folded the towel and walked on it a bit to press out the water.

And, finally, I laid it out on a drying rack under a ceiling fan and let it dry.

The colors turned out waaaaay better than I expected - very vibrant and rich. There were a couple weird bleed spots, but no big deal. Even better, though I don't think you can tell in my craptastic photos, I managed some decent purples, which are usually difficult to obtain as the dye tends to "break" into red and blue.

I'll try for some better photos in natural light soon.

Now I just have to figure out this whole drop-spinning thing. ;)
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Alwen said...

Wo0t! Fun, eh? I cleek your love button. (er, you are on teh Rav, yes? so that doesn't sound all kinky and wrong?)

Julie said...


Barbara said...

You brave soul. I'm not about to pick up a new hobby so no dyeing or spinning for me. But it looks very cool. Can't wait to hear how the spinning goes.