
Craft Leftovers � Sleepy Ferret Hammock :: Free Sewing Pattern!

Craft Leftovers � Sleepy Ferret Hammock :: Free Sewing Pattern!

Hurray for ferret related crafts!  Alas, we no longer have a pet ferret, but my husband and I did in college.  Her name was Bandit and we adopted her when she was about 2 from a trucker who simply didn't have time for her anymore.  She was a handful and a joy.  I don't know if I could keep up with the mischievous shenanigans of a ferret these days and I know our current apartment would be nearly impossible to ferret-proof.  Not to mention how deeply offended Oreo would be by the introduction of another baby.  He met Bandit when she lived with hubby before we were able to both be in Chicago and she tormented him terribly.  Being clever, she realized that he couldn't possibly hurt her if she was in her cage, so she taunted him by doing what we called the "stripper-dance" - stretching up on her back legs with her front paws on the rails and then sinuously slinking down.  
She was a darling, though.  Maybe I'll manage at least volunteering at a ferret shelter even in we can't manage another one of our own.

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